Differential Equations

Problem 1

Find the equation for water level LL receding at 0.5 ft/day when initial level is 34 ft. Determine how many days until level reaches 26 ft.

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Problem 2

Find the time it takes for a tranquilizer with a half-life of 50 hours to decay to 95%95\% of its original dosage using the exponential decay model A=A0ektA=A_{0} e^{k t}.

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Problem 3

Fetal head circumference HH depends on age tt in weeks as H=30.04+1.802t20.9032t2logtH=-30.04+1.802t^2-0.9032t^2\log t. (a) Calculate dHdt\frac{dH}{dt}. (b) Is dHdt\frac{dH}{dt} larger at t=8t=8 or t=36t=36 weeks? (c) Repeat (b) for 1HdHdt\frac{1}{H}\frac{dH}{dt}. (a) dHdt=3.604t0.9032tlogt0.9032t\frac{dH}{dt}=3.604t-0.9032t\log t-0.9032t.

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Problem 4

Find the value of y0(2)y_0(2) where y0y_0 is the solution to the ODE xy+2y=2xxy' + 2y = 2x with y(1)=3y(1) = 3.

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Problem 5

Find the amount of radioactive substance present (in grams) after 2 years, given the formula y=8,000(2)0.3ty=8,000(2)^{-0.3 t}, where tt is in months. Round the result to three decimal places if needed.

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Problem 6

Classify the equilibrium at the origin in X=CXX = CX where C=(911119)C = \begin{pmatrix} 9 & -11 \\ -11 & 9 \end{pmatrix} as a sink, saddle, or source.

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Problem 7

Trouver la forme de la solution particulière ypy_p d'une équation différentielle avec r(x)=4xe3xcos(2x)r(x) = 4x e^{3x} \cos(2x) et solutions homogènes yh=C1e3x+C2cos(2x)+C3sin(2x)y_h = C_1 e^{3x} + C_2 \cos(2x) + C_3 \sin(2x).

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Problem 8

Solve the ordinary differential equation y3x+(4y+3x)dydx=0y-3x + (4y+3x)\frac{dy}{dx}=0 using the homogeneous method.

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Problem 9

Find all solutions to the second-order differential equation y=xcos(x)y^{\prime \prime}=x \cos(x).

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Problem 10

Find the rat population in 2000 given the formula n(t)=86e0.04tn(t)=86 e^{0.04 t} where tt is years since 2000 and n(t)n(t) is in millions.

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Problem 11

Insect population of P(t)=600e0.02t\mathrm{P}(t) = 600e^{0.02t} at time tt days. Find: (a) population at t=0t=0, (b) growth rate, (c) graph, (d) population after 10 days, (e) when population reaches 900, (f) when population doubles.

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Problem 12

Solve the differential equation dydx=15ycos2y\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{5} \sqrt{y} \cos^2 \sqrt{y}.

See Solution

Problem 13

Solve for t in the equation h=7+35t16t2h = 7 + 35t - 16t^2, given that h=25h = 25.

See Solution

Problem 14

Find the solution to the ODE y=1.7xyy' = -1.7xy with y(0)=9.6y(0) = 9.6, and evaluate the solution at x=1.3x = 1.3.

See Solution

Problem 15

Find ΔT\Delta T in the equation q=m×ΔT×Cq = m \times \Delta T \times C, where qq, mm, and CC are known.

See Solution

Problem 16

Solve for the general solution of the differential equation (x2xy+y2)dxxydx=0(x^2-xy+y^2)dx-xy\,dx=0. If homogeneous, use y=vxy=vx.

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Problem 17

Erbium isotope with 12-hour half-life, initial 22g. Find: a) A(t)A(t) function, b) decay rate A(t)A'(t), c) decay rate at 11 hours.
a) A(t)=22e0.0577tA(t) = 22e^{-0.0577t} grams b) A(t)=1.2694e0.0577tA'(t) = -1.2694e^{-0.0577t} grams/hour c) A(11)=0.2069A'(11) = 0.2069 grams/hour

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Problem 18

Find the integrating factor for the first-order linear ODE y=y+cosxy' = -y + \cos x.

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Problem 19

Find the general solution for the differential equation dAdt=7A\frac{d A}{d t}=-7 A, where A(t)=Ce7tA(t)=Ce^{-7t}.

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Problem 20

Solve the ODE (6+t)dudt+u=6+t(6+t) \frac{d u}{d t} + u = 6+t for t>0t > 0.

See Solution

Problem 21

Find the limit of the solution to the differential equation y=y34yy' = y^3 - 4y with initial condition y(0)=0.2y(0) = 0.2 as tt approaches infinity.

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Problem 22

Use Euler's method with step size 0.1 to find y(0.2)y(0.2), where y(x)y(x) satisfies y=2x+3y2,y(0)=0y'=2x+3y^2, y(0)=0.

See Solution

Problem 23

Find dxdt\frac{dx}{dt} when x=2x=-2 and y=2y=2 given y2+xy3x=6y^2 + xy - 3x = 6 and dydt=2\frac{dy}{dt} = -2.

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Problem 24

(a) Find depth where light intensity is half of surface intensity LL. Depth = DD meters. (b) Light intensity at 11 m depth = I=Le(1.9511)I = L \cdot e^{(-1.95 \cdot 11)}. (c) Find depth where light intensity is 2.4% of surface intensity LL. Depth = DD meters.

See Solution

Problem 25

Find the general solution of the second-order linear ODE y+y=0y'' + y = 0.

See Solution

Problem 26

Find the solution of the initial value problem g(x)=8x(x71/8);g(1)=1g'(x)=8x(x^7-1/8); g(1)=1. The solution is g(x)=g(x)=\square.

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Problem 27

Solve the ordinary differential equation y2y=0y'-2y=0.

See Solution

Problem 28

1. a. Solve 2x+1=52x12^{x+1}=5^{2x-1} for xx, exact or rounded to 3 decimals. b. Solve log(x210)+log(9)=1\log(x^2-10)+\log(9)=1 for xx, give exact (g) and check (s). c. The amount AA of a radioactive substance decays over time tt (years) as A(t)=A0(1/2)t/kA(t)=A_0\cdot(1/2)^{t/k}, where kk is the half-life. Given A(3)=96.2%A0A(3)=96.2\%A_0, compute the half-life rounded to full years.

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Problem 29

Cooling liquid temperature model: T(t)=80(12)t10+20T(t) = 80(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{t}{10}} + 20. Sketch graph, find temp. after 40 mins, time to cool to 45 degrees.

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Problem 30

Find the initial number of people ill with the flu, given the function N(t)=50001+999etN(t)=\frac{5000}{1+999 e^{-t}} models the number of people ill tt weeks after the outbreak. Round the result to the nearest person.

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Problem 31

Find an exponential model P=abtP=a\cdot b^t for a population of 16,000 organisms growing by 6.9%6.9\% annually.

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Problem 32

Solve the initial value problem dvdt=2tt21,t>1,v(2)=0\frac{dv}{dt}=\frac{2}{t\sqrt{t^2-1}}, t>1, v(2)=0 and find v(t)v(t).

See Solution

Problem 33

Find the height of an aircraft with atmospheric pressure p=259p=259 mm Hg using the formula p=760e0.145hp=760 e^{-0.145 \mathrm{h}}. Round the height to two decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 34

Find the value of a quantity that decays exponentially at 8.5%8.5\% every 9 weeks, starting at 390, after 42 days, to the nearest hundredth.

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Problem 35

Sketch direction field and solutions for differential equation dydx=y2x\frac{dy}{dx} = y^2 - x using isoclines for slopes m=1,0,1,2m = -1, 0, 1, 2.

See Solution

Problem 36

Find the general solution for the third-order linear ODE yyy+y=g(t)y'''- y''- y' + y = g(t).

See Solution

Problem 37

The two airplanes will be at the same altitude in 464003200+2600\sqrt{\frac{46400}{3200 + 2600}} minutes, when their altitude will be 2320023200 feet.

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Problem 38

A lake covers 11 square km, decreasing exponentially by 2% per year: A(t)=11(0.98)tA(t)=11 \cdot(0.98)^{t}. By what factor does the area decrease in 10 years?

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Problem 39

Find the solutions to xxe5x+2=0x-x e^{5 x+2}=0. Then find the second derivative of f(x)f(x) at x=1x=1, given f(x)+5f(x2)=f2(x)f'(x)+5f(x^2)=f^2(x) and f(1)=2f(1)=2.

See Solution

Problem 40

Find the largest interval II over which the solution y(x)=1x2+Cy(x) = \frac{1}{x^2 + C} to the ODE y+2x6=0y' + 2x^6 = 0 is defined, given y(4)=17y(4) = \frac{1}{7}.

See Solution

Problem 41

Find the carrying capacity of a population that grows according to the logistic equation dPdt=0.084P0.00168P2\frac{dP}{dt} = 0.084P - 0.00168P^2, where tt is measured in weeks.

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Problem 42

Exposure time to reach coma-inducing CO level: T=.0002x2.316x+127.9T=.0002 x^{2}-.316 x+127.9, where xx is CO in ppm. Find exposure time when x=560x=560 ppm. Round to nearest tenth.

See Solution

Problem 43

Solve the separable differential equation dydx+4xy2=0\frac{dy}{dx} + 4xy^2 = 0.

See Solution

Problem 44

Solve the differential equation y=sinx7xy' = \frac{\sin \sqrt{x}}{7 \sqrt{x}}.

See Solution

Problem 45

Solve the differential equation dxdt=5t1+5\frac{d x}{d t}=5 t^{-1}+5 for the given initial conditions.

See Solution

Problem 46

Solve the initial value problem: dydx=8xe6y,y(0)=0\frac{d y}{d x}=8 x e^{-6 y}, \quad y(0)=0.

See Solution

Problem 47

Identify the exact ordinary differential equation (ODE) from the given options.
(x+y)dx+(y+x)dy=0(x+y) dx + (y+x) dy = 0 (xy+y)dx+(xy+x)dy=0(xy+y) dx + (xy+x) dy = 0 (y+2)dx+(2x+1)dy=0(y+2) dx + (2x+1) dy = 0

See Solution

Problem 48

Solve the differential equation 3yy=5x3 y y' = 5 x.

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Problem 49

Find T2T_2 given t2P1V1T1=P2V2T2t_2 \cdot \frac{P_1 V_1}{T_1} = \frac{P_2 V_2}{T_2}.

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Problem 50

Find the solution to the differential equation dydx=e2x+2y\frac{d y}{d x}=e^{2 x}+2 y. Options: A. y=e2xy=e^{2 x}, B. y=e2xy=-e^{2 x}, C. y=xe2xy=x e^{2 x}, D. y=xe2xy=-x e^{2 x}.

See Solution

Problem 51

Radioactive fallout from a 1981 nuclear lab explosion is described by f(x)=1000(0.5)x30f(x) = 1000(0.5)^{\frac{x}{30}}, where f(x)f(x) is the remaining amount (kg) xx years later. Determine f(40)f(40) and if the area will be safe by 2021.

See Solution

Problem 52

Find the Laplace transform of 3te5t3te^{5t} using a table of Laplace transforms. Integration by parts may be useful.

See Solution

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