
Problem 1

Exam with 7 multiple-choice questions, 3 answers each. Find the number of possible answer combinations and the probabilities of a student randomly guessing all correct, all incorrect, or 2 correct and the rest incorrect.
1) How many ways can the exam be answered? 373^7 2) Probability of all answers correct: (13)7\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)^7 or 0.0000%0.0000\% 3) Probability of all answers incorrect: (23)7\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^7 or 0.4629%0.4629\% 4) Probability of 2 correct (questions 5 and 6) and the rest incorrect: (13)2(23)5\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)^2 \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^5 or 0.0123%0.0123\%

See Solution

Problem 2

Pick a random card, then pick a second without replacing the first. What is the probability of getting an 8 then an even number? Express as a simplified fraction.

See Solution

Problem 3

Find the probability that a coin lands showing heads.

See Solution

Problem 4

Find the probability of an event and its complement given that their probabilities sum to 1.

See Solution

Problem 5

Find all possible outcomes when tossing 4 fair coins, then list the ways to get at least 2 tails.

See Solution

Problem 6

To win the LOTTO, you must correctly select 8 numbers from 46. The order does not matter. There are (468)\binom{46}{8} possible selections.

See Solution

Problem 7

A wheel has 5 slices numbered 1 to 5, some grey and some white. Find P(X)P(X), the probability the wheel stops on a white slice, and P(not X)P(\text{not }X), the probability it stops on a non-white slice.

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Problem 8

Find P(E3)P(E_3) given P(E1)=P(E2)=P(E4)=P(E5)=0.1P(E_1) = P(E_2) = P(E_4) = P(E_5) = 0.1 and E1,E2,E3,E4,E5E_1, E_2, E_3, E_4, E_5 are mutually exclusive events.

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Problem 9

Fertilizer boosts seed germination by 75%. Find probability that at most 4 out of 7 randomly selected seeds germinate.

See Solution

Problem 10

Probability of drawing two balls of the same color from a bag with 3 white and 4 black balls.

See Solution

Problem 11

Find the probability of 2 girls and 1 boy in a 3-child family, assuming equal chances for boys/girls. (A) 1/31/3 (B) 3/83/8 (C) 2/32/3 (D) 1/41/4

See Solution

Problem 12

Find the probability that the complement of event EE occurs if the probability of EE is 0.210.21.

See Solution

Problem 13

Experiment on college students given quarters or $1\$ 1 bill to keep or spend on gum. Find probabilities of spending or keeping the money and interpret the results.
a. Probability of spending $1\$ 1 bill: \square b. Probability of keeping $1\$ 1 bill: \square c. The results suggest: C. A student given a $1\$ 1 bill is more likely to have kept the money than a student given four quarters.

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Problem 14

Find the probability that a randomly selected passenger's waiting time is less than 0.750.75 minutes, given the waiting times are uniformly distributed between 00 and 77 minutes. (Simplify and round to three decimal places.)

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Problem 15

Determine the probability of spinning two winners in a row on a wheel of fortune with 22 equally likely outcomes.
The probability is 1484\frac{1}{484}.

See Solution

Problem 16

Find the probability of exactly 1 girl in 8 births from a probability distribution table. P(x=1)=0.012P(x=1) = 0.012.

See Solution

Problem 17

Bag contains red, blue, and green marbles. P(P( red )=35%)=35\%, P(P( green )=13%)=13\%. a) Are picking red and green mutually exclusive? Explain. b) Is P(P( red or green )) possible to calculate? If so, find it.

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Problem 18

Find the probability of being dealt a 5-card hand with no pair in a standard 52-card deck. The probability is 1,302,5402,598,960\frac{1,302,540}{2,598,960}.

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Problem 19

Determine if flipping a coin twice are independent or dependent events. P(AB)=P(A)P(A|B) = P(A) for independent events, P(AB)P(A)P(A|B) \neq P(A) for dependent events.

See Solution

Problem 20

Probability of getting at least one wrong on an 8-question, 5-answer multiple-choice test.
P(at least one wrong)=1P(all correct)=1(15)8P(\text{at least one wrong}) = 1 - P(\text{all correct}) = 1 - \left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^8

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Problem 21

Find the probability that all 3 randomly drawn tickets from a money box with 15 50tickets,1050 tickets, 10 25 tickets, and 10 $5 tickets, plus 20 dummy tickets, have no monetary value.
The probability that all 3 tickets drawn have no money value is 205519541853\frac{20}{55} \cdot \frac{19}{54} \cdot \frac{18}{53}.

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Problem 22

Find the probability that a state will be hit by a major tornado (F4\mathrm{F} 4 or F5) two years in a row, given the probability of a major tornado in any single year is 19\frac{1}{9}. Round the answer to five decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 23

Find the probability that a baseball player with a batting average of 0.330.33 has exactly 4 hits in their next 7 at-bats.

See Solution

Problem 24

Find the probability that a batch of 500 computer chips is accepted if 2% of all chips are defective, and the batch is accepted only if fewer than 1% of the chips are defective.

See Solution

Problem 25

Roll a 6-sided number cube and record the outcome. Describe the sample space and outcomes for rolling an even number. Sample space: {1,2,3,4,5,6}\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\} Event of rolling an even number: {2,4,6}\{2, 4, 6\}

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Problem 26

Find the probability that the last digit of a weight measurement is 5\geq 5 if the last digit is equally likely to be 2 through 6.

See Solution

Problem 27

A student's alarm clock has a 7.5%7.5\% daily failure rate. What is the probability the clock fails on the day of an important exam? If the student has two clocks, what is the probability both fail?

See Solution

Problem 28

Find the probability of Josh scoring par or above on a par-70 course given the provided probability distribution. x70P(x)=0.72\sum_{x \geq 70} P(x) = \boxed{0.72}

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Problem 29

Find the expected value of the architect's bid for a museum design project, where the cost of drawing plans and submitting a model is $16,000\$ 16,000, and the probability of being awarded the bid is 0.4. If the architect is awarded the bid, they will make $40,000\$ 40,000 minus the $16,000\$ 16,000 cost.

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Problem 30

Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Zahlen 1 oder 5 zu würfeln? P(1 oder 5)=13P(1 \text{ oder } 5) = \frac{1}{3}. Gegenereignis: P(keine 1 oder 5)=113=23P(\text{keine 1 oder 5}) = 1 - \frac{1}{3} = \frac{2}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 31

Estimate P(P( fewer than 3)) using normal approximation when np5np \geq 5 and nq5nq \geq 5 with n=14n=14 and p=0.4p=0.4. If not, state that normal approximation is not suitable.

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Problem 32

8 letter tiles are mixed. Which event is likely, unlikely, certain, or impossible? a. Letter selected is a consonant: P(C)P(C) b. Letter selected comes after SS in alphabet: P(S<X)P(S < X) c. Letter selected is GG or HH: P(GH)P(G \lor H)

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Problem 33

Roll a die. If 1 shows, win 5.Else,winnothing.(a)If5. Else, win nothing. (a) If 1 to play, find the game's expected value (rounded to nearest cent).

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Problem 34

a. In how many ways can 8 people arrive randomly at a dinner party? \square (Type an integer)
b. In how many ways can Kim arrive first and Sarah last? \square (Type an integer.)
c. What is the probability that Kim will arrive first and Sarah last? \square (Type a fraction. Simplify your answer.)

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Problem 35

In a group of two people, the probability of not having the same birthday is 365365364365\frac{365}{365} \cdot \frac{364}{365}. Explain why this is so, ignoring leap years and assuming 365 days in a year. The first person can have any of the \square days, and the second person must have one of the remaining \square days to not have the same birthday.

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Problem 36

A raffle ticket costs 3with1winningticketoutof200sold.Thewinnergetsan3 with 1 winning ticket out of 200 sold. The winner gets an 80 prize. What is the expected value of 1 or 6 tickets? What is the expected total raised?
Expected value of 1 ticket: ($80)(1/200)$3=$0.40Expectedvalueof6tickets:(\$80)(1/200) - \$3 = \$0.40 Expected value of 6 tickets: (\80)(6/200)$18=$2.40Expectedtotalraised:80)(6/200) - \$18 = \$2.40 Expected total raised: (200)(\$3) = \$600

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Problem 37

Suppose xx has a binomial distribution with n=200n=200 and p=.5p=.5. Use normal approximation to calculate:
1. P(x=80)P(x=80)
2. P(x95)P(x \leq 95)
3. P(x<65)P(x<65)
4. P(x100)P(x \geq 100)
5. P(x>100)P(x>100) Where μ=$np$and\mu=\$n p\$ and \sigma=\$\sqrt{n p (1-p)}\$.

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Problem 38

Find the union of sets A and B given a sample space S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, A = {2, 3}, and B = {3, 4, 5}.
ABA \cup B is: a. {3,4,5}\{3,4,5\} b. {3}\{3\} c. {1,2,3,4,5,6}\{1,2,3,4,5,6\} d. {2,3,4,5}\{2,3,4,5\}

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Problem 39

Find the probability of 3 successes in 8 trials of a binomial experiment with 45%45\% probability of success.

See Solution

Problem 40

Events E={E=\{ first roll is 1}\} and B={B=\{ total of two rolls is 5}\} are not independent when rolling a 4-sided die twice.

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Problem 41

Toy manufacturer accepts 7000-battery shipment if ≤3 of 42 randomly tested batteries fail specs. Find probability shipment is accepted, given 1% of batteries fail.
The probability this 7000-battery shipment will be accepted is P(X3)P(X \leq 3), where XBinomial(42,0.01)X \sim \text{Binomial}(42, 0.01).

See Solution

Problem 42

Probability that at least 3 of 8 randomly selected human resource managers say job applicants should follow up within two weeks, given 57% say so. The probability is \square.

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Problem 43

A pet store has 11 puppies (5 poodles, 4 terriers, 2 retrievers). Rebecka and Aaron each select a random puppy. Find the probability they both select a poodle.
The probability is 511511\frac{5}{11} \cdot \frac{5}{11}.

See Solution

Problem 44

Probability of selecting a Democrat followed by a Republican from a group of 8 Democrats, 4 Republicans, and 6 Independents.

See Solution

Problem 45

Find the probability that a randomly selected cedar tree will grow less than 8 inches in a given year, given the annual growth is uniformly distributed between 6 and 13 inches. Round the answer to four decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 46

Emily conducted an experiment to test if touch therapists could sense her energy field. In 321 trials, therapists were correct 147 times. Find the expected proportion of correct responses if therapists made random guesses.

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Problem 47

A spinner has 6 slices: 2 blue, 1 yellow, 3 red. Find the probability the spinner stops on a non-blue slice. Write as a fraction or whole number.
P(non-blue slice)=46=23P(\text{non-blue slice}) = \frac{4}{6} = \frac{2}{3}

See Solution

Problem 48

Roll a pair of dice to get a sum of 7. How many ways are there to achieve this?

See Solution

Problem 49

Find the probability P(BA)\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{B} \mid \mathrm{A}) of selecting a multiple of 4 given that the selected number is even, from the sample space S={1,2,3,4,,15}S=\{1,2,3,4, \ldots, 15\}.

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Problem 50

Find P(AB)P(A|B) given P(A)=0.52P(A)=0.52, P(B)=0.75P(B)=0.75, and P(A and B)=0.46P(A \text{ and } B)=0.46, rounded to the nearest thousandth.

See Solution

Problem 51

What is the mean number of adult Australian sheep dogs that weigh 65lb65 \mathrm{lb} or more in a sample of 16 dogs, given that 35%35\% of adult dogs weigh 65lb65 \mathrm{lb} or more?

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Problem 52

Calculate the standard deviation of the returns on Cycles, Inc. stock given the expected returns and probabilities of a boom, normal, and recessionary economy.
27%27\% return in boom (5%5\% probability), 13%13\% return in normal (65%65\% probability), 20%-20\% return in recession (30%30\% probability).

See Solution

Problem 53

A computer chip company shipped 5000 chips, 40 of which are defective. Find: (a) Probability two randomly selected chips are defective, and (b) Provide context for the probability of 0.00006241.
(a) Probability two randomly selected chips are defective: 405,000394,999=0.00006241\frac{40}{5,000} \cdot \frac{39}{4,999} = 0.00006241
(b) The probability of 0.00006241 represents the likelihood that two randomly selected chips from the 5000 shipped are both defective.

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Problem 54

A fruit bowl has bananas, lemons, and apples. The ratio of bananas to lemons is 4:54:5. The probability of picking a banana is 13\frac{1}{3}. Find the probability of picking an apple.

See Solution

Problem 55

Determine if the outcomes of guessing answers to two multiple-choice questions with 4 options each are independent or dependent.

See Solution

Problem 56

Throw a cube once. Consider event A: "Number of dots greater than 3". a) List the outcomes that belong to event A. b) Formulate the complementary event Aˉ\bar{A} and list its outcomes.

See Solution

Problem 57

Zwei Kugeln werden mit Zurücklegen aus einer Urne mit 5 roten, 10 gelben, 7 blauen und 3 schwarzen Kugeln gezogen. Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass genau 2 blaue Kugeln gezogen werden? P=Anzahl der Mo¨glichkeiten fu¨r genau 2 blaue KugelnGesamtanzahl der Mo¨glichkeitenP=\frac{\text{Anzahl der Möglichkeiten für genau 2 blaue Kugeln}}{\text{Gesamtanzahl der Möglichkeiten}}

See Solution

Problem 58

Katherine buys a random cake. The probability it has figs is 47\frac{4}{7}, fondant is 310\frac{3}{10}, and both is 18\frac{1}{8}. Given figs, find the probability it also has fondant.

See Solution

Problem 59

What is the set of all possible outcomes in a random experiment? (a) Sample space

See Solution

Problem 60

Find expected value EE from discrete probability distribution P(x)P(x).
E=[xP(x)]=1.6741E=\sum[x \cdot P(x)] = 1.6741

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Problem 61

Find probability of event B given independent events A and B with P(A)=0.60P(A)=0.60 and P(A and B)=0.30P(A \text{ and } B)=0.30. Round answer to 2 decimal places.

See Solution

Problem 62

Find the probability distribution for the number of heads in 3 coin tosses. Express probabilities as simplified fractions.

See Solution

Problem 63

Find the probability that all three coin tosses result in "Tails" if the outcomes are equally likely. The probability is 18\frac{1}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 64

The probability of winning a lottery jackpot by matching all 55 white balls (1-42) and the gold ball (1-33) with one ticket is a simplified fraction.

See Solution

Problem 65

Find the probability that all 3 randomly selected people in the US have type B+\mathrm{B}^{+} blood, given the probability is 12%.

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Problem 66

Determine the insurance company's expected profit from selling a 25,0001yearlifeinsurancepolicytoa19yearoldmaleintheUSfor25,000 1-year life insurance policy to a 19-year-old male in the US for 815, given the probability of death within 1 year is 0.0011880.001188.

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Problem 67

Probability of randomly selecting a red marble from a bag with 8 marbles (4 red, 3 yellow, 1 blue).
Solution: P(red)=48=12P(\text{red}) = \frac{4}{8} = \frac{1}{2}

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Problem 68

Pick at least one purple marble from two bags, each with 3 marbles (1 green, 1 purple, 1 blue). How many ways?

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Problem 69

Find the probability of the spinner landing on purple first and then grey in two spins, given the spinner has six equally likely regions: one grey, two purple, and three blue.
P(purple, then grey)=2615P(\text{purple, then grey}) = \frac{2}{6} \cdot \frac{1}{5}

See Solution

Problem 70

Find the probability that event A occurs given that event B occurs, given that the probabilities of A, B, and A and B occurring are 58\frac{5}{8}, 45\frac{4}{5}, and 59\frac{5}{9} respectively.

See Solution

Problem 71

Find the probability of selecting 3 women as officers from a club with 8 men and 7 women.

See Solution

Problem 72

Find the probability of rolling a 2 or 7 on a number cube. Express the answer as a decimal or simplified fraction.
P(2 or 7)=26P(2 \text{ or } 7) = \frac{2}{6}

See Solution

Problem 73

Find the probability of not being dealt a queen from a standard 52-card deck. The probability is 4852\frac{48}{52}.

See Solution

Problem 74

A tin has 30 cupcakes: 16 are iced, 3 with walnuts, and 5 have neither icing nor walnuts. Find the probability of randomly picking a cupcake with walnuts.
a) Draw a Venn diagram showing the given information. b) Find 330\frac{3}{30} as the probability of picking a cupcake with walnuts.

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Problem 75

Prove that for a Bernoulli random variable XX with success probability pp, E(X)=pE(X)=p and Var(X)=1pp2\operatorname{Var}(X)=\frac{1-p}{p^{2}}.

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Problem 76

Find the probability of A or B given P(A and B)=0.4P(A \text{ and } B)=0.4, P(A)=0.7P(A)=0.7, and P(B)=0.6P(B)=0.6. P(A or B)=0.9 P(A \text{ or } B) = 0.9

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Problem 77

Find the expected value of 2X+4Y-2X + 4Y given that the expected values of XX and YY are 3.73.7 and 8.78.7 respectively.

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Problem 78

A poll found that 60.1%60.1\% of Americans believe some psychics can solve murder cases. What is the probability of randomly selecting someone who does not believe this? Round to 3 decimal places.

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Problem 79

14y14y is proportional to (x+3)2(x+3)^2. If x=2,y=5x=2, y=5, find yy when x=1x=1. y=y=
A bag contains 5 green, 2 blue, and 6 white buttons. Maya takes 2 buttons randomly without replacement. Calculate the probability that one button is green and the other is not green.

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Problem 80

A game website sells character costumes. 247 visitors bought 0 costumes, 79 bought 1, and 36 bought more than 1. Express the probability the next visitor buys 1\geq 1 costume as a simplified fraction.

See Solution

Problem 81

Find the probability of the marble landing on a green or red slot in American roulette. The probability is 1838\frac{18}{38}.

See Solution

Problem 82

Determine if the random variable xx, representing the number of die rolls to roll a 5, is discrete or continuous.

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Problem 83

Find the values that cannot be probabilities: 2\sqrt{2}, 53\frac{5}{3}, -0.45, 1.28

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Problem 84

Find the probability that the Islanders win exactly 4 out of 7 games against the Rangers, given the probability of winning a single game is 0.840.84. Round the answer to the nearest thousandth.

See Solution

Problem 85

Find the probability that a randomly selected day in April will be rainy (28%28\%) or windy (15%15\%).

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Problem 86

Roll a 12-sided die, each number from 1 to 12 is equally likely. What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 10?
number of outcomes greater than 10total number of outcomes\frac{\text{number of outcomes greater than 10}}{\text{total number of outcomes}}

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Problem 87

Find the number of elements in set AA but not in set BB, given S=124|S| = 124, A=55|A| = 55, B=66|B| = 66, and AB=91|A \cup B| = 91.

See Solution

Problem 88

Find the probability of observing 3 successes in 8 Bernoulli trials with p=0.5p=0.5.

See Solution

Problem 89

Find the number of possible combinations to open a combination lock with 3 dials, each having 10 numbers.
Solution: The number of possible combinations is given by 3×10×10×10=1,0003 \times 10 \times 10 \times 10 = 1,000.

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Problem 90

Find P(AB)P(A \cup B) given P(Aˉ)=P(B)=0.4P(\bar{A})=P(B)=0.4 and P(AB)=3P(AB)P(A \cup B)=3 P(A \cap B).

See Solution

Problem 91

Roll a six-sided die marked with 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3. Find the probability of rolling: (a) 33 (b) 22 or 33.

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Problem 92

Coin tossed 4 times, find the variance of the number of heads obtained. Var(X)=np(1p)\text{Var}(X) = np(1-p), where n=4n=4 and p=0.5p=0.5.

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Problem 93

What is the probability of rolling a fair 6-sided die and not getting an outcome less than 2? Express the answer as a simplified fraction. (A) 56\frac{5}{6} (B) 16\frac{1}{6} (C) 26\frac{2}{6} (D) 13\frac{1}{3}

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Problem 94

Select the mutually exclusive option: P(red) and P(black)P(red) \text{ and } P(black) from a standard deck, or P(sum=6) and P(sum=4)P(sum = 6) \text{ and } P(sum = 4) from two dice rolls.

See Solution

Problem 95

Skylar has a bag with pineapple, apple, and peach chews. She randomly selects a chew 23 times, recording the results. Repeat the experiment 2000 times - how many times would you expect Skylar to select a peach chew? Round to the nearest whole number.
Peach chews selected=6232000522 \text{Peach chews selected} = \frac{6}{23} \cdot 2000 \approx 522

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Problem 96

Find the number of ways to answer a 5-question quiz with 4-choice multiple-choice questions, assuming all questions are answered.

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Problem 97

Find the probability that 5 out of 10 randomly selected individuals in Kenya use public transportation, given 63% of the population uses public transportation.

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Problem 98

Find the probability that the number of typographical errors on 2 pages, following a Poisson distribution with mean 4 errors per page, is less than 3.
P(X<3)P(X < 3)

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Problem 99

Roll a 6-sided die, find the probability of rolling a 2 or a factor of 8. Write the answer as a percentage.
P(2 or factor of 8)\mathrm{P}(2 \text{ or factor of 8})

See Solution

Problem 100

Determine probability that at least one of 5 insurance claims is approved, given a 44%44\% approval rate and independent claims.

See Solution

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