Discrete Mathematics

Problem 1

Find the intersection of two sets C={3,9,7}C = \{3, 9, 7\} and D={4,5}D = \{4, 5\}.

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Problem 2

List the elements in the set ABA^{\prime} \cup B, where A={q,s,u,w,y}A = \{q, s, u, w, y\} and B={q,s,y,z}B = \{q, s, y, z\}.

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Problem 3

Find the union of sets A and B given the universal set U. U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}U=\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8\}, A={1,2,4,7}A=\{1,2,4,7\}, B={5,2,8}B=\{5,2,8\} C. AB={1,2,4,5,7,8}A \cup B=\{1,2,4,5,7,8\}

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Problem 4

A connected graph with 6060 even vertices and 22 odd vertices has an Euler circuit.

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Problem 5

Graph the set {x2x<6}\{x \mid 2 \leq x < 6\} on the number line and express it using interval notation.

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Problem 6

Find the number of subsets and proper subsets for the set of male students: P={P=\{Trymaine, Jacy, Max, Shawn, Yan}\}.

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Problem 7

Find the truth table for the logical statement: (ct)p(\sim c \vee t) \wedge p

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Problem 8

(a) Find the number of 5-letter passwords with no repeated lowercase letters from 26 alphabet letters. (b) A company has 33 salespeople. Find the number of possible rankings of the top 3 salespeople.
(a) (265)\binom{26}{5} (b) (333)\binom{33}{3}

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Problem 9

Find the value of the summation expression n=443562n\sum_{n=-4}^{4} 35 \cdot 6^{2 n}.

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Problem 10

Find the value of n(S)n(S) given that n(S)=22n(S) = 22.

See Solution

Problem 11

Determine the truth values of the two logical statements qp\sim q \wedge p and pq\sim p \rightarrow q for all combinations of boolean values of pp and qq.

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Problem 12

Redefine the Fibonacci sequence starting with X0=2,X1=3X_0=2, X_1=3 or X0=3,X1=5X_0=3, X_1=5. Find the correct solution when the sequence is indexed 5 steps ahead.

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Problem 13

Given a Venn diagram with 4 regions, find the number of elements in regions I, III, and IV given n(A)=16n(A)=16, n(B)=33n(B)=33, n(U)=54n(U)=54, and region II has 8 elements.
Region I has n(A)n(AB)n(A) - n(A \cap B) element(s). Region III has n(B)n(AB)n(B) - n(A \cap B) element(s). Region IV has n(U)n(A)n(B)+n(AB)n(U) - n(A) - n(B) + n(A \cap B) element(s).

See Solution

Problem 14

Given sets A={2,3,5,7,11}A=\{2,3,5,7,11\}, B={2,4,6,8,10}B=\{2,4,6,8,10\}, and C={6,10,14,18,22}C=\{6,10,14,18,22\}, determine which statements are true.

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Problem 15

Calculate the first 4 terms of the iterative sequence xn+1=8xn5x_{n+1} = \sqrt{8 x_{n} - 5} starting with x1=3x_{1} = 3, rounding to 3 d.p.

See Solution

Problem 16

The formula nPrn P r represents the number of permutations of rr items from a set of nn items.

See Solution

Problem 17

For a set U={5,6,7,8,9}U=\{5,6,7,8,9\}, find the complement of A={5,8,9}A=\{5,8,9\} and the set BB given its complement B={5,6,9}B'=\{5,6,9\}.
(a) A={6,7}A' = \{6,7\} (b) B={7,8}B = \{7,8\}

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Problem 18

Find the intersection of sets A\mathbf{A} and B\mathbf{B} given U={s,t,u,v,W,X,y,z}\mathbf{U}=\{\mathrm{s}, \mathrm{t}, \mathrm{u}, \mathrm{v}, \mathrm{W}, \mathrm{X}, \mathrm{y}, \mathrm{z}\}, A={u,v,y,z}\mathbf{A}=\{\mathrm{u}, \mathrm{v}, \mathrm{y}, \mathrm{z}\}, and B={v,w,x,y}\mathbf{B}=\{\mathrm{v}, \mathrm{w}, \mathrm{x}, \mathrm{y}\}.

See Solution

Problem 19

Use De Morgan's laws to write the negation of r(qp)\sim r \wedge(\sim q \rightarrow p), where \sim negates only simple statements.

See Solution

Problem 20

Generate at least 8 binary characters to distinguish species. List each character, its possible states, and abbreviations.
Example: C1C_1 - Presence of Tail (Absent C1aC_{1a}, Present C1pC_{1p})

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Problem 21

Write a compound statement in symbolic form: The store is not closed if and only if it is not Sunday. ¬p¬q\neg p \leftrightarrow \neg q

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Problem 22

Find x3x_3, x4x_4, and xmx_m in terms of x1x_1 and rr for the recurrence relation xn+1=rxnx_{n+1} = r x_n. Simplify the expressions.

See Solution

Problem 23

A club N\mathrm{N} with 5 members. Elect a president and treasurer such that no one holds more than one office. How many ways?
A. AA,BB,CC,DD,EE\mathrm{AA}, \mathrm{BB}, \mathrm{CC}, \mathrm{DD}, \mathrm{EE} B. AB,AC,AD,AE,BC,BD,BE,CD,CE,DE\mathrm{AB}, \mathrm{AC}, \mathrm{AD}, \mathrm{AE}, \mathrm{BC}, \mathrm{BD}, \mathrm{BE}, \mathrm{CD}, \mathrm{CE}, \mathrm{DE} C. AB,AC,AD,AE,BA,BC,BD,BE,CA,CB,CD,CE,DA,DB,DC,DE,EA,EB,EC,ED\mathrm{AB}, \mathrm{AC}, \mathrm{AD}, \mathrm{AE}, \mathrm{BA}, \mathrm{BC}, \mathrm{BD}, \mathrm{BE}, \mathrm{CA}, \mathrm{CB}, \mathrm{CD}, \mathrm{CE}, \mathrm{DA}, \mathrm{DB}, \mathrm{DC}, \mathrm{DE}, \mathrm{EA}, \mathrm{EB}, \mathrm{EC}, \mathrm{ED} D. AB,AC,AD,AE,BA,BC,BD,BE,CA,CB,CD,CE,DA,DB,DC,DE,EA,EB,EC,ED\mathrm{AB}, \mathrm{AC}, \mathrm{AD}, \mathrm{AE}, \mathrm{BA}, \mathrm{BC}, \mathrm{BD}, \mathrm{BE}, \mathrm{CA}, \mathrm{CB}, \mathrm{CD}, \mathrm{CE}, \mathrm{DA}, \mathrm{DB}, \mathrm{DC}, \mathrm{DE}, \mathrm{EA}, \mathrm{EB}, \mathrm{EC}, \mathrm{ED}

See Solution

Problem 24

Find the complement of the union of sets A and B, where A={2,4,6}A=\{2,4,6\}, B={1,2,3,5,7}B=\{1,2,3,5,7\}, and U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}U=\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7\}.

See Solution

Problem 25

Redefine De Morgan's theorem: (pq)(p \wedge q)^{\prime} is logically equivalent to pqp^{\prime} \vee q^{\prime}.

See Solution

Problem 26

If a relation RR on set AA is symmetric and transitive, then RR is an equivalence relation.

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Problem 27

Find the Cartesian product of set A with the union of sets B and C, given A={a,b},B={1,2}A=\{a, b\}, B=\{1,2\}, and C={2,3}C=\{2,3\}.

See Solution

Problem 28

Find the complement of the set U={xxIU=\{x \mid x \in I and 3x7}-3 \leq x \leq 7\}. (Comma-separated list)

See Solution

Problem 29

Calculate the exact value of the 27P4{ }_{27} P_{4} permutation expression.

See Solution

Problem 30

Determine which statement is true for the given universal set X={1,2,3}X=\{1,2,3\} and set A={1,2}A=\{1,2\}.

See Solution

Problem 31

Radioactive substance decreases by 1/3 each year. Find recursive formula for amount left after nn years, where initial amount is 1,452 g1,452 \mathrm{~g}. Is the sequence arithmetic or geometric?

See Solution

Problem 32

Find the homogeneous solution (no constants) for the difference equation: xn+39xn+2+27xn+127xn=0x_{n+3} - 9 x_{n+2} + 27 x_{n+1} - 27 x_{n} = 0.

See Solution

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