Fractions and Decimals

Problem 201

Paul's dad is 613ft6 \frac{1}{3} \mathrm{ft} tall, and Paul is 512ft5 \frac{1}{2} \mathrm{ft} tall. Find the difference in their heights.

See Solution

Problem 202

Find the area of 425\frac{4}{25} of a square meter.

See Solution

Problem 203

Divide the fractions 158-\frac{15}{8} and 452\frac{45}{2}, then write the quotient in simplest form.

See Solution

Problem 204

Calculate the fraction and percent of black pencils in a pack of 50 pencils, where 7 out of every 10 pencils are black.
Fraction of black pencils: 710\frac{7}{10} Percent of black pencils: 70%70\%

See Solution

Problem 205

Find an expression for a number nn where 14\frac{1}{4} of nn is subtracted by 3.

See Solution

Problem 206

Find the product of 14\frac{1}{4} and 8.

See Solution

Problem 207

Represent 1251 \frac{2}{5} using an area model, set model, and number line. Clearly identify the whole.

See Solution

Problem 208

Simplify the following fractions in lowest terms: a) 4:24:2, b) 16:1216:12, c) 25:1525:15, d) 120:46120:46, e) 35:15:2035:15:20.

See Solution

Problem 209

Find the value of the expression 512+634+(414)-5 \frac{1}{2}+6 \frac{3}{4}+\left(-4 \frac{1}{4}\right).

See Solution

Problem 210

Find the sum of two fractions: 38+98\frac{3}{8} + \frac{9}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 211

Simplify the division of 0.25 by 7.725.

See Solution

Problem 212

Find the simplified fraction of 24 divided by 80.

See Solution

Problem 213

Find the fraction of a cup of flour needed for a recipe that calls for 32\frac{3}{2} cups, given a 12\frac{1}{2} cup measuring cup.

See Solution

Problem 214

Find the expression that represents the fraction 32\frac{3}{2}.

See Solution

Problem 215

Terry spent 25\frac{2}{5} of 2122 \frac{1}{2} hours on research. Find the number of hours spent on research.

See Solution

Problem 216

Mrs. Larson washed 27\frac{2}{7} of laundry, her son washed 13\frac{1}{3}. Who washed more? How much laundry still needs washing?

See Solution

Problem 217

Find the cube root of 8/27.

See Solution

Problem 218

Find the difference between two fractions on a number line: 12545\frac{12}{5} - \frac{4}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 219

Convert 24% to a simplified fraction.

See Solution

Problem 220

Solve the equation 47=d÷59\frac{4}{7}=d \div \frac{5}{9} to find the value of dd.

See Solution

Problem 221

Find the value of 6/86/8 divided by 1/41/4.

See Solution

Problem 222

Find the expression with value 815\frac{8}{15}: (1) 410×45\frac{4}{10} \times \frac{4}{5} or (1)) 23×45\frac{2}{3} \times \frac{4}{5}?

See Solution

Problem 223

Simplify the following fractions: 8/155/128 / 15 - 5 / 12, 22/3022 / 30, 35/6035 / 60, 17/1817 / 18, 7/607 / 60.

See Solution

Problem 224

Find the fraction equivalent to 1/2 from the given options: 25\frac{2}{5}, 14\frac{1}{4}, 48\frac{4}{8}, 46\frac{4}{6}.

See Solution

Problem 225

Find an equivalent fraction for 810\frac{8}{10}.

See Solution

Problem 226

A recipe uses 13\frac{1}{3} cup of water and 2 cups of flour. Write the ratio of water to flour. Find the ratio value.
The ratio is 13:2\frac{1}{3}: 2.
The value of the ratio is 16\frac{1}{6}.

See Solution

Problem 227

Simplify the following fractions and mixed numbers: 156\frac{15}{6}, 147\frac{14}{7}, 2272 \frac{2}{7}, 3583 \frac{5}{8}, 5355 \frac{3}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 228

Find the value of the expression 1229(95)12 \frac{2}{9} \cdot (-\frac{9}{5}).

See Solution

Problem 229

Select the division problem that the model shows: 214÷12=4122 \frac{1}{4} \div \frac{1}{2} = 4 \frac{1}{2}

See Solution

Problem 230

Simplify the expression 3/5×3/53 / 5 \times 3 / 5.

See Solution

Problem 231

Find the value of the repeating decimal 0.780.7\overline{8}.

See Solution

Problem 232

Divide the rational number 6.912\frac{-6.9}{\frac{1}{2}} to find the quotient.

See Solution

Problem 233

Which statement describes 0.340.\overline{34}? Select all that apply: A) Repeating decimal, B) Non-terminating decimal, E) Rational number.

See Solution

Problem 234

Evaluate the expression (15)1\left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{-1} and write the answer as a fraction or whole number without exponents.

See Solution

Problem 235

Add the fractions 110\frac{1}{10} and 14\frac{1}{4}.

See Solution

Problem 236

Subtract 8164568 \frac{1}{6}-4 \frac{5}{6} and simplify the answer as a mixed number.

See Solution

Problem 237

Simplify the expression 134251 \frac{3}{4} - \frac{2}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 238

Find the missing values in the fractions 34=8\frac{3}{4}=\frac{}{8} and +58=8+\frac{5}{8}=\frac{}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 239

Find the ratio of blue to total triangles in a pattern with 44 blue and 1212 yellow triangles.

See Solution

Problem 240

Convert 31.4% to decimal form.

See Solution

Problem 241

Find the value of 1218\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 242

Find the operator that makes the statement 7%?3407 \% ? \frac{3}{40} true.

See Solution

Problem 243

Find the difference between 9569 \frac{5}{6} and 2132 \frac{1}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 244

Simplify the fraction 2480\frac{24}{80} and express the result as a percentage.

See Solution

Problem 245

Perform arithmetic operations: a. 2412÷416×292 \frac{4}{12} \div 4 \frac{1}{6} \times \frac{2}{9} b. 96×525÷315\frac{9}{6} \times 5 \frac{2}{5} \div 3 \frac{1}{5}

See Solution

Problem 246

Find the product of two fractions: 49-\frac{4}{9} and 38-\frac{3}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 247

Find the percentage value of the fraction 48\frac{4}{8}.

See Solution

Problem 248

Evaluate 71098\frac{7}{10}-\frac{9}{8} and write the answer as a simplified fraction.

See Solution

Problem 249

Solve 14÷8\frac{1}{4} \div 8. Options: A. 132\frac{1}{32} B. 48\frac{4}{8} C. 2 D. 32

See Solution

Problem 250

Find the average of 7 and 34\frac{3}{4}.

See Solution

Problem 251

Find the value of ww given that w3=0.5\frac{w}{3} = 0.5.

See Solution

Problem 252

Find alternative ways to write 3/4.

See Solution

Problem 253

Find the simplified ratio of 30 feet to 20 feet.

See Solution

Problem 254

Simplify 2530\frac{25}{30} to lowest terms by factoring the numerator and denominator.

See Solution

Problem 255

Subtract two fractions with different denominators, then simplify the result. 47y265y\frac{4}{7y^2} - \frac{6}{5y}

See Solution

Problem 256

Simplify 343^{-4} and express the result as a whole number or reduced fraction.

See Solution

Problem 257

Find the value of xx that satisfies the equation 32+2=x-\frac{3}{2} + 2 = x.

See Solution

Problem 258

Find the value of 91035\frac{9}{10}-\frac{3}{5}. Show your work to solve this arithmetic expression.

See Solution

Problem 259

Evaluate the expression: 31/4+43/1231 / 4 + 43 / 12.

See Solution

Problem 260

Find the value of 4 copies of 15\frac{1}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 261

Find the unknown value xx such that x10=0.00023667\frac{x}{10}=0.00023667, x100=0.00023667\frac{x}{100}=0.00023667, x1,000=0.00023667\frac{x}{1,000}=0.00023667, and x10,000=0.00023667\frac{x}{10,000}=0.00023667.

See Solution

Problem 262

Divide the fractions 16x325\frac{16 x^{3}}{25} and 4x65x\frac{4 x^{6}}{5 x}, then select the simplified answer.

See Solution

Problem 263

Simplify the expression 35+5335 + \frac{5}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 264

Encuentra la ecuación para calcular II, los centímetros de lluvia más que el mes pasado que cayeron este mes. I=53103910I=5 \frac{3}{10}-3 \frac{9}{10}

See Solution

Problem 265

Subtract the mixed fractions 59145 \frac{9}{14} and 11141 \frac{1}{14}, finding the exact difference and an estimated difference.

See Solution

Problem 266

Find the difference between the whole number 6 and the improper fraction 76\frac{7}{6}.

See Solution

Problem 267

Write the fraction representing the part-to-whole relationship of patients seeing the physical therapist each week. Reduce the answer to lowest form.

See Solution

Problem 268

Find the missing value in the fraction equation 1823=?161\frac{18}{23} = \frac{?}{161}.

See Solution

Problem 269

Simplify the expression 3/43/83/4 - 3/8.

See Solution

Problem 270

Donna swam 13 of 26 laps. What fraction of the swim has she completed? What fraction remains?
Rewritten problem statement: Donna swam 13/2613/26 of her swim. What fraction of the swim has she completed? What fraction remains?

See Solution

Problem 271

Find the number line representation of the expression 52+3\frac{5}{2} + 3.

See Solution

Problem 272

(a) A potter bought clay, used 1/51/5 for mugs, 5/85/8 for teapots, and 7/127/12 of the remainder for bowls. He had 55 oz left. How many oz of clay did he buy? (b) How many oz of clay was used on each set of items?

See Solution

Problem 273

Find the missing number in the equation 3/4+x/4=13/4 + x/4 = 1.

See Solution

Problem 274

Simplify the expression 4813+(8)-\frac{48}{13}+(-8).

See Solution

Problem 275

Find the ratio of roses to daisies and daisies to all flowers in a vase with 5 roses and 11 total flowers.
(a) Ratio of roses to daisies: 5115\frac{5}{11-5} (b) Ratio of daisies to all flowers: 11511\frac{11-5}{11}

See Solution

Problem 276

Rewrite the fraction 56\frac{5}{6} as a decimal.

See Solution

Problem 277

Calculate the difference between 85100\frac{85}{100} and 491000\frac{49}{1000}, and simplify the result.

See Solution

Problem 278

Find the value of 265\frac{26}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 279

Berechne die Summe aus 3,8-3,8 und 5165 \frac{1}{6} und addiere das Produkt aus 0,1 und 43\frac{4}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 280

Show that the sum of 0.250.2\overline{5} and 0.440.4\overline{4} equals 710\frac{7}{10}.

See Solution

Problem 281

Laura has 57\frac{5}{7} jugs of water and needs 16\frac{1}{6} jugs per liter of paint. The expression to find the liters of paint she can mix is: 57÷16\frac{5}{7} \div \frac{1}{6}.

See Solution

Problem 282

Find the quotient of 4336\frac{43}{36} divided by 4322\frac{43}{22}, reduced to lowest terms.

See Solution

Problem 283

Find the value of xx where the sum of 38\frac{3}{8} and xx is 72\frac{7}{2}.

See Solution

Problem 284

Find the decimal value expressed in thousandths unit: 5.665.66, 10.2710.27, 3.4783.478, or 100.65100.65?

See Solution

Problem 285

Simplify the expression 4255×4556÷2748\frac{42}{55} \times \frac{45}{56} \div \frac{27}{48}.

See Solution

Problem 286

Write the decimal form of the mixed number "four and twenty-four hundredths".

See Solution

Problem 287

Solve for cc in the equation 18+c=45\frac{1}{8} + c = \frac{4}{5}.

See Solution

Problem 288

Which of the following fraction comparisons is true? 67<58\frac{6}{7}<\frac{5}{8}, 35<47\frac{3}{5}<\frac{4}{7}, 512>38\frac{5}{12}>\frac{3}{8}, or 34>912\frac{3}{4}>\frac{9}{12}?

See Solution

Problem 289

To ensure 6600 acceptable parts, the machine must tool 660011\frac{6600}{11} parts.

See Solution

Problem 290

Solve for t in the linear equation 0.12+0.09t=0.78t0.340.12 + 0.09t = 0.78t - 0.34.

See Solution

Problem 291

Determine if 3/6×7/43/6 \times 7/4 is more or less than 3/63/6.

See Solution

Problem 292

Find the value of 6/126 / 12.

See Solution

Problem 293

Convert fractions to decimals rounded to nearest hundredth. Examples: 1/30.331/3 \approx 0.33, 1/61/6 \approx, 4/94/9 \approx, 5/75/7 \approx.

See Solution

Problem 294

Divide the mixed number 3133 \frac{1}{3} by the fraction 23\frac{2}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 295

Find the largest possible difference between two numbers with exactly 1 decimal place that round to the same whole number.

See Solution

Problem 296

4 people need 58\frac{5}{8} cups of blue water each. How much blue water is needed in total?

See Solution

Problem 297

Simplify the following expressions: 16×34\frac{1}{6} \times \frac{3}{4} and 12×2312 \times \frac{2}{3}.

See Solution

Problem 298

Write 310\frac{3}{10} as a decimal value in proper medical notation for milligrams.

See Solution

Problem 299

Round 6,347.86,347.8 and select the numbers that match.
(A) 6,347.7516,347.751 (B) 6,347.8096,347.809 (C) 6,347.8236,347.823 (D) 6,347.8526,347.852 (E) 6,347.9026,347.902

See Solution

Problem 300

Determine if 13<43\frac{-1}{3} < \frac{4}{3} is true or false. If false, rewrite as true statement.

See Solution

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