
Problem 601

Find the derivative of (e2xx+2)\left(\frac{e^{2-x}}{x+2}\right).

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Problem 602

Find the values of aa and bb in the function P(t)=abtP(t) = a b^t that models the number of bacteria in a lab experiment, given the function P(t)=47(1.112)5tP(t) = 47(1.112)^{5t}. Round the final values of aa and bb to 4 decimal places.

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Problem 603

Evaluate the indefinite integral x29x7dx\int x \sqrt{29 x-7} d x.

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Problem 604

Soit la fonction g(x)=ex(1x)1g(x) = e^{x}(1-x)-1 définie sur R\mathbb{R}. Étudier le sens de variation et le signe de gg. Soit la fonction f(x)=xex1+2f(x) = \frac{x}{e^{x}-1}+2 pour x0x \neq 0, et f(0)=3f(0)=3. Déterminer les limites de ff, étudier son sens de variation, et trouver l'équation de la tangente à (E)(\mathscr{E}) à l'origine. Soit h(x)=f(x)xh(x) = f(x)-x, montrer que h(x)<0h'(x)<0 et en déduire qu'il existe une solution unique α\alpha à l'équation f(x)=xf(x)=x dans l'intervalle ]2;52[] 2 ; \frac{5}{2}[.

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Problem 605

Find all values of tt where the parametric curve x=4t32t2+4t,y=2t3+4t22x=4t^3-2t^2+4t, y=2t^3+4t^2-2 has a horizontal tangent.

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Problem 606

Find the equation of the tangent line to f(x)=5x1f(x) = \sqrt{5x-1} at the point (1,2)(1,2) in slope-intercept form.

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Problem 607

Find dy/dtdy/dt when x2+y2=36x^2 + y^2 = 36 and dx/dt=3dx/dt = 3, for y>0y > 0 and (a) x=0x = 0, (b) x=2x = 2, (c) x=3x = 3.

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Problem 608

Find the Left and Right Riemann sums, then use them to find the Trapezoidal sum on the interval [3,7][-3,7] given the table of xx and f(x)f(x) values.

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Problem 609

Determine the horizontal asymptote of the function f(x)=16x37x+820x3+8x3f(x) = \frac{16 x^{3}-7 x+8}{20 x^{3}+8 x-3}. If none exists, state that fact.

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Problem 610

Identify the critical points of y=x2exy=x^{2}e^{x}. State the xx- and yy-coordinates. Determine if they are local max, min, or neither.

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Problem 611

Find the minimum yy-value of f(x)=x2+2xf(x)=x^{2}+\frac{2}{x} on 12x2\frac{1}{2} \leq x \leq 2.

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Problem 612

Find the solution, rounded to one decimal place, to the equation ex=x+8e^{x} = \sqrt{x+8} using a graphing calculator.

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Problem 613

1. Find the antiderivative of f(x)f(x): a) f(x)=4x3+3x4f(x)=4x^3+3x^4 b) f(x)=110x410x4f(x)=\frac{1}{10}x^4-\frac{10}{x^4} e) f(x)=2ex+1f(x)=2e^x+1 f) f(x)=13exx22f(x)=\frac{1}{3}e^x-\frac{x^2}{2}
2. Find the antiderivative of f(x)f(x): a) f(x)=(3x1)2f(x)=(3x-1)^2 b) f(x)=3(5x+1)4f(x)=\frac{3}{(-5x+1)^4} e) f(x)=e4x1f(x)=e^{4x-1} f) f(x)=25e25xf(x)=\frac{2}{5}e^{2-5x} i) f(x)=6xf(x)=\sqrt{6x} j) f(x)=913xf(x)=\sqrt{9-\frac{1}{3}x}

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Problem 614

Find the degree 4 Maclaurin polynomial for (1+x)1/3(1+x)^{1/3} and use it to approximate 1.13\sqrt[3]{1.1}.

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Problem 615

Find the inverse function f1(x)f^{-1}(x) of f(x)=7x+2f(x)=\sqrt{7x+2} where x27x \geq -\frac{2}{7}.

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Problem 616

Find the value of a piecewise function w(t)w(t) when t=7t=-7.

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Problem 617

Explain why the graph of y=2x3y=-2 \sqrt[3]{x} is continuous but not differentiable at x=0x=0.

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Problem 618

Find the derivative of the function h(x)=e2x29x+3/xh(x) = e^{2x^2} - 9x + 3/x.

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Problem 619

Find 4 paths to (1,-1) to show lim(x,y)(1,1)f(x,y)\lim_{(x,y)\to(1,-1)} f(x,y) doesn't exist for f(x,y)f(x,y). Provide curve equations and graphs.

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Problem 620

Differentiate y=(x+2)(x3+2x+1)y=(x+2)(x^{3}+2x+1) and choose the correct setup.

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Problem 621

Find the range of the quadratic function f(x)=6(x7)2+5f(x)=-6(x-7)^{2}+5.

See Solution

Problem 622

Find the indefinite integral of 5x35x^3.

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Problem 623

A snowball's radius decreases at 0.10.1 cm/min. Find the rate of volume decrease when radius is 1111 cm. (Round answer to 3 decimal places)
dVdt=4πr2drdt=4π(11)2(0.1)=12.116cm3min\frac{d V}{d t} = -4 \pi r^2 \frac{d r}{d t} = -4 \pi (11)^2 (0.1) = -\boxed{12.116} \frac{\mathrm{cm}^3}{\min}

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Problem 624

Evaluate the definite integral of 0.25e0.25x0.25e^{-0.25x}.

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Problem 625

Find the value of y=abxy=a b^{x} given a=1600,b=.25,x=12a=1600, b=.25, x=12, rounded to 7 decimal places.

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Problem 626

Evaluate x39\frac{\sqrt{x-3}}{9} when x=12x=12. Options: A) 13\frac{1}{3} B) 1 C) 3 D) 81.

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Problem 627

Prove that the function f(x)=x7+8x2f(x)=x^{7}+8 x-2 has at most one real root using Rolle's Theorem. Show it has exactly one using the Intermediate Value Theorem.

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Problem 628

Find the average velocity of an object moving along a vertical line with position L(t)=3t2+t+8L(t)=-3t^2+t+8 (m) at time tt (s) for the given intervals: [3s, 9s], [2s, 7s], [5s, 8s].

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Problem 629

Find the derivative of f(x)=5x10f(x)=\sqrt{5 x-10} using the limit definition.

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Problem 630

At most, how many turning points does the polynomial P(x)=25x11019x37+43x2032x17P(x)=25 x^{110}-19 x^{37}+43 x^{20}-32 x^{17} have?

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Problem 631

Solve for yy in the equation e8y=9e^{-8 y}=9. Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.

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Problem 632

Solve the differential equation dydx=ex8\frac{d y}{d x} = -\frac{e^{x}}{8}.

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Problem 633

Find the value of cc that satisfies the Mean Value Theorem for h(x)=3x3h(x) = \sqrt{3x-3} on the interval 4x134 \leq x \leq 13.

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Problem 634

Find the radius of convergence RR of the power series n=1(4)nn(x+8)n\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-4)^{n}}{\sqrt{n}}(x+8)^{n}. If RR is infinite, type "infinity" or "inf". Answer: R=14R=\frac{1}{4}. What is the interval of convergence? Answer (in interval notation): (12,4)(-12, -4).

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Problem 635

Determine the behavior of the function f(x)=(2x+1)exf(x) = (2x + 1) \cdot e^{-x} for very large and very small values of xx.

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Problem 636

Evaluate the limit limxπ/2(sec(x)tan(x))\lim_{x \to \pi/2} (\sec(x) - \tan(x)). Use symbolic notation and fractions.

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Problem 637

Evaluate the natural logarithm of 0.012 and give the answer to 4 decimal places. ln(0.012)\ln (0.012)

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Problem 638

Analyze the properties of the logarithmic functions y=log2(x+1)y=\log_2(x+1) and y=log(x)3y=\log(x)-3, including domain, range, asymptotes, x-intercepts, and transformations.

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Problem 639

Use Newton's method to find the solution to e2x=3x+9e^{-2x} = -3x + 9 starting with x0=5x_0 = -5. Provide the first two iterates x1x_1 and x2x_2, and the final solution accurate to 4 decimal places.

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Problem 640

Find the limit, continuity, and type of discontinuity of the piecewise function f(x) = \\begin{cases} 2x+1, & x>-1 \\\\ x^2+1, & x \\leq-1 \\end{cases} at x=ax=a.

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Problem 641

A. (fg)(12)=123122+12(\mathrm{f}-\mathrm{g})(12)=\sqrt{12-3}-12^{2}+12

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Problem 642

Evaluate the integral 2x2lnxdx2 \cdot \int x^{2} \ln x d x

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Problem 643

Find the slope of y=x3xy=x^3-x at x=ax=a. What is the slope at x=1x=1? Where does the slope equal 1111?

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Problem 644

Find the solution to the equation 5ex+2=75 e^{x+2} = 7.

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Problem 645

Evaluate the integral e3xe4x1xlnx+xdx\int_{e^{3 x}}^{e^{4 x}} \frac{1}{x \ln x+x} dx.

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Problem 646

Simplify the expression x32564\sqrt[4]{\frac{x^{3}}{256}} using the quotient rule, assuming all variables are positive real numbers.

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Problem 647

Find the integral that represents the length of the curve f(x)=cosx,0xπf(x) = \cos x, 0 \leq x \leq \pi.

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Problem 648

Find the values of mm for which the integral 08xmdx\int_{0}^{8} x^{m} d x converges.

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Problem 649

Approximate the sum of the series n=1(1)n23n4\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^{n} \frac{2}{3 n^{4}} with error < 0.001.

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Problem 650

Determine the limit of the sequence {(n+n22n2)n}\left\{\left(\frac{n+n^{2}}{2 n^{2}}\right)^{n}\right\}.

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Problem 651

Estimate the total number of plastic widgets sold in the first 6 weeks given the sales function P(t)=7000te0.3tP(t)=7000 t e^{-0.3 t}.

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Problem 652

Describe the end behavior of g(x)=1x2g(x) = -\frac{1}{x^2}. As x±x \to \pm\infty, g(x)g(x) goes to 0 or ±\pm\infty.

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Problem 653

Find the secant line equation y=mx+by=mx+b passing through points (3,f(3))(-3, f(-3)) and (2,f(2))(2, f(2)) where f(x)=x35f(x)=x^{3}-5.

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Problem 654

Find the equation(s) of the vertical asymptote(s) of the rational function g(t)=t253t2+4t3g(t) = \frac{t^{2} - 5}{3t^{2} + 4t - 3}.

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Problem 655

Differentiate the function g(t)=25t7t+8g(t) = \frac{2 - 5t}{7t + 8} to find g(t)g'(t).

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Problem 656

Find the linear approximation of y=e5xln(x)y=e^{5x}\ln(x) at x=1x=1. L(x)=e5ln(1)+5e5ln(1)+e51(x1)L(x)=e^5\ln(1)+\frac{5e^5\ln(1)+e^5}{1}(x-1)

See Solution

Problem 657

The graph y=500(0.85)xy=500(0.85)^{x} represents the amount of drug (in mg) left in a patient's system xx hours after administration. Find the yy-intercept.

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Problem 658

Derive the function f(x)=ln3x2f(x) = \ln 3x^2.

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Problem 659

Find the domain, range, intercepts, and asymptotes of the exponential function f(x)=36xf(x) = 3 \cdot 6^{x}. Describe the end behavior.

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Problem 660

Find Δy\Delta y, dy=f(x)dxdy=f'(x)dx, and dydy for y=2x3y=2x^3, x=4x=4, and Δx=0.08\Delta x=0.08. a) Δy=1.6384\Delta y=\boxed{1.6384} b) dy=f(x)dx=96dxdy=f'(x)dx=\boxed{96}dx c) dy=7.68dy=\boxed{7.68}

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Problem 661

Find the value of xx in the equation ex=5e^{x}=5. The correct statements are: x=ln5x=\ln 5, x=log5ex=\log _{5} e, and to the nearest hundredth, x1.61x \approx 1.61.

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Problem 662

Find the differential dydy for y=ex/4y=e^{x/4} and evaluate dydy for x=0,dx=0.05x=0, dx=0.05.

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Problem 663

Identify the hole, vertical asymptote, horizontal asymptote, and domain of the rational function f(x)=x2+9x+20x2+3x4f(x) = \frac{x^2 + 9x + 20}{x^2 + 3x - 4}.

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