Solved on Jan 22, 2024

Find the domain, limits, and graph of the piecewise function f(x)=25x2f(x) = \sqrt{25 - x^2} for 0x<50 \leq x < 5, f(x)=5f(x) = 5 for 5x<105 \leq x < 10, and f(x)=10f(x) = 10 for x=10x = 10.


1. The function f(x)f(x) is a piecewise function defined by three different expressions over different intervals.
2. The function is defined for 0x100 \leq x \leq 10.
3. The domain of a function is the set of all possible input values (x-values) for which the function is defined.
4. The range of a function is the set of all possible output values (f(x)-values) the function can produce.


To find the domain of f(x)f(x), we look at the intervals where the function is defined.
The domain of f(x)f(x) is the union of the intervals [0,5)[0, 5), [5,10)[5, 10), and {10}\{10\}.


Write the domain of f(x)f(x) in interval notation.
Domainoff(x)=[0,10]Domain\, of\, f(x) = [0, 10]


To find the range of f(x)f(x), we evaluate the output values for each piece of the function.
For 0x<50 \leq x < 5, the output is 25x2\sqrt{25-x^2}, which varies between 00 and 55.
For 5x<105 \leq x < 10, the output is constant at 55.
For x=10x = 10, the output is 1010.


Combine the output values to find the range of f(x)f(x).
The range of f(x)f(x) is the union of the values from 00 to 55, including 55, and the single value 1010.


Write the range of f(x)f(x) in interval notation.
Rangeoff(x)=[0,5]{10}Range\, of\, f(x) = [0, 5] \cup \{10\}


To determine the points cc where limxcf(x)\lim _{x \rightarrow c} f(x) exists, we need to check the continuity of the function at each interval and at the endpoints of the intervals.
For 0x<50 \leq x < 5, the function is continuous because it is a square root function over its domain.
For 5x<105 \leq x < 10, the function is constant and therefore continuous.
At x=10x = 10, the function is defined as a single value, so the limit as xx approaches 1010 from the left exists and is equal to 55.


Identify the points cc where the limit exists.
The limit exists for all cc in the interval [0,10)[0, 10) and at c=10c = 10 from the left-hand side.


To find points where the left-hand limit exists but not the right-hand limit, we look for discontinuities where the function jumps from one value to another as xx increases.
At x=5x = 5, the function jumps from 2552=0\sqrt{25-5^2} = 0 to 55. The left-hand limit as xx approaches 55 exists and is 00, but the right-hand limit is 55.


Identify the point where the left-hand limit exists but not the right-hand limit.
The point is x=5x = 5.


To find points where the right-hand limit exists but not the left-hand limit, we look for discontinuities where the function jumps from one value to another as xx decreases.
Since there are no such points in the given function, we conclude that there are no points where the right-hand limit exists but not the left-hand limit.


Choose the correct graph of f(x)f(x) based on the information obtained.
The graph should show a semicircle for 0x<50 \leq x < 5, a horizontal line at y=5y = 5 for 5x<105 \leq x < 10, and a single point at (10,10)(10, 10).
Without the actual graphs labeled A, B, C, and D, we cannot visually identify the correct graph. However, based on the description, the correct graph would match the behavior described in the previous steps.

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