Solved on Mar 28, 2024

Find the correct quotient when dividing 1201 2 0 by 3.6363.636.


1. The division process involves dividing a whole number by a decimal number.
2. The division must be carried out with proper alignment of digits to ensure accuracy.
3. The quotient obtained will be a decimal number.


1. Convert the divisor into a whole number by multiplying both the divisor and dividend by an appropriate power of 10.
2. Perform the long division with the adjusted numbers.
3. Write the final quotient as a decimal number and match it with the given options.


Multiply the divisor 3.6363.636 by 100100 to convert it into a whole number. Also, multiply the dividend 120120 by 100100 to maintain the ratio.
3.636×100=363.6 3.636 \times 100 = 363.6 120×100=12000 120 \times 100 = 12000


Notice that the divisor 363.6363.6 is not a whole number yet, so multiply by an additional 1010 to make it a whole number. Do the same for the dividend.
363.6×10=3636 363.6 \times 10 = 3636 12000×10=120000 12000 \times 10 = 120000


Perform the long division of 120000120000 by 36363636.
3636 \longdiv 120000


Determine how many times 36363636 goes into the first few digits of 120000120000. Start by comparing it to 1200012000 (the first five digits).
Since 3636×3=109083636 \times 3 = 10908, which is less than 1200012000, and 3636×4=145443636 \times 4 = 14544, which is more than 1200012000, we know that 36363636 goes into 1200012000 three times.


Subtract 1090810908 from 1200012000 and bring down the next digit from the dividend.
1200010908=1092 12000 - 10908 = 1092 Bring down the next digit (0) to get 1092010920.


Determine how many times 36363636 goes into 1092010920.
Since 3636×3=109083636 \times 3 = 10908, which is less than 1092010920, and 3636×4=145443636 \times 4 = 14544, which is more than 1092010920, we know that 36363636 goes into 1092010920 three times.


Subtract 1090810908 from 1092010920 to find the remainder and bring down the next digit.
1092010908=12 10920 - 10908 = 12 Bring down the next digit (0) to get 120120.


Determine how many times 36363636 goes into 120120.
Since 36363636 is greater than 120120, it does not go into 120120 at all, so we write a zero in the quotient and bring down the next digit if available. Since there are no more digits to bring down, we can add a decimal point and zeros to continue the division if necessary.


Since the remainder is less than the divisor and there are no more digits to bring down, the division process is complete. The quotient is 3333 with a remainder of 120120.
However, since we multiplied the original numbers by 10001000 (step 1 and step 2), we need to place the decimal point appropriately in the quotient.


Place the decimal point in the quotient. The original division was 120÷3.636120 \div 3.636, and after adjusting for the multiplication by 10001000, the quotient should be divided by 10001000.
33÷1000=0.033 33 \div 1000 = 0.033
The solution to the division problem 120÷3.636120 \div 3.636 is 0.0330.033, which matches option (c) 0.033.

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