Solved on Sep 19, 2023

1. Formulate and rearrange formulas: a) A rectangle has a perimeter of 28 cm28 \mathrm{~cm}. Express its area in terms of a side length xx. b) For a rectangle, one side xx is twice the other side yy. Express the area in terms of xx. c) For a cube, express the volume VV in terms of the total edge length KK, and vice versa. d) For a cube, express the volume VV in terms of the surface area OO, and vice versa. e) For a cuboid with sides a,b,ca, b, c where a=2ba=2b and b=2cb=2c, provide a formula for the volume in terms of each variable.


Assumptions1. All the figures mentioned are geometrically perfect (i.e., all sides of a square are equal, all sides and angles of a rectangle are equal and opposite, etc.) . The units of measurements are consistent throughout the problem.


a) For a rectangle with a perimeter of28 cm and one side of length x, the other side will be (282x)/2(28 -2x) /2. The area A of a rectangle is given by the product of its sides, so we can express A as a function of xA(x)=x282x2A(x) = x \cdot \frac{28 -2x}{2}


b) For a rectangle where one side x is twice the length of the other side y, the area A can be expressed as a function of xA(x)=xx2A(x) = x \cdot \frac{x}{2}


c) For a cube, the total edge length K is12 times the side length a (since a cube has12 edges of equal length), and the volume V is the cube of the side length. So we can writeV(a)=a3V(a) = a^3K(a)=12aK(a) =12aAnd inverselya(V)=V3a(V) = \sqrt[3]{V}a(K)=K12a(K) = \frac{K}{12}


d) For a cube, the surface area O is times the square of the side length a (since a cube has faces, each of which is a square with area a2a^2), and the volume V is the cube of the side length. So we can writeV(a)=a3V(a) = a^3(a)=a2(a) =a^2And inverselya(V)=V3a(V) = \sqrt[3]{V}a(O)=a(O) = \sqrt{\frac{}{}}


e) For a cuboid with edge lengths a, b, and c, where a =2b and b =2c, the volume V is the product of the edge lengths. So we can writeV(a)=aa2a4V(a) = a \cdot \frac{a}{2} \cdot \frac{a}{4}V(b)=2bbb2V(b) =2b \cdot b \cdot \frac{b}{2}V(c)=4c2ccV(c) =4c \cdot2c \cdot c

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